Pretending to be progressive: The neoliberal party debates

My blog has a new look. Over time I’d become increasingly dissatisfied with the old look. So I finally went through the somewhat excruciating process of trying on and configuring different themes until I found one I could tolerate.

There are two new blog posts. The first is entitled, “Injustice for political gain,” and the second is entitled, “My fellow kook.”

Kamala Harris

Emily Cadei and Bryan Anderson, “Fact check: Did Kamala Harris block evidence that would have freed death row inmates?” Sacramento Bee, July 31, 2019,

Joe Biden

Ayesha Rascoe, “Booker Says Biden’s Crime Policies ‘Destroyed Communities Like Mine,’” National Public Radio, August 1, 2019,

Marianne Williamson

Jonathan Merritt, “I’ve worked for Marianne Williamson. She is no kook,” Washington Post, July 31, 2019,