A sit-in in the House: Daily Bullshit, June 23, 2016

Orlando shooting

Robert Ariail, Christian Science Monitor, June 23, 2016, fair use.

Congress might not be able to agree to limit a right[1] that probably doesn’t exist[2] but it appears they’re certainly ready to roll back rights which are far less ambiguous.[3]

Matt Bors, June 23, 2016, GoComics, fair use.

Cristina Marcos, “House erupts as GOP tries to halt Dems’ sit-in,” Hill, June 22, 2016, http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/house/284559-house-in-uproar-as-gop-tries-to-halt-dems-sit-in

Alexander Bolton, “McConnell quashes Senate effort on guns,” Hill, June 23, 2016, http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/284711-mcconnell-quashes-senate-effort-on-guns

Julian Hattem, “Post Orlando, hawks make a power play,” Hill, June 23, 2016, http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/284557-post-orlando-hawks-make-a-power-play

Rema Rahman, “House Sit-In On Guns Continues As Sun Rises,” Congressional Quarterly Roll Call, June 23, 2016, http://www.rollcall.com/news/sit-in-by-house-democrats-effectively-ends

Deirdre Walsh, Manu Raju, Eric Bradner, and Steven Sloan, “Democrats end House sit-in protest over gun control,” CNN, June 23, 2016, http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/22/politics/john-lewis-sit-in-gun-violence/index.html

Unauthorized migration

Lydia Wheeler and Jordan Fabian, “Deadlocked Supreme Court blocks Obama on immigration,” Hill, June 23, 2016, http://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/president-obama-immigration-actions-programs-blocked-supreme-court-deadlocked-scalia-dapa-daca-crushing-blow


The voters have voted and counting is under way. Results should be available late tonight (Pacific time), but very early (probably too early) tallies and a late survey suggest that U.K. Independence Party leader Nigel Farage (who favors “Leave”) may have been correct in suggesting it “looks like Remain will edge it.”[4] Even if “Brexit” does indeed fail, a question remains as to whether that will be sufficient to save Prime Minister David Cameron’s job.[5]

British Broadcasting Corporation, “Counting under way in UK’s historic referendum on EU membership,” June 23, 2016, http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36612368

Matthias Matthijs, “Britain’s Point of No Return,” Foreign Affairs, June 21, 2016, https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-kingdom/2016-06-21/britain-s-point-no-return

  1. [1]Alexander Bolton, “McConnell quashes Senate effort on guns,” Hill, June 23, 2016, http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/284711-mcconnell-quashes-senate-effort-on-guns; Deirdre Walsh, Manu Raju, Eric Bradner, and Steven Sloan, “GOP fails to stop Democrats’ gun protest sit-in on House floor,” CNN, June 23, 2016, http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/22/politics/john-lewis-sit-in-gun-violence/index.html
  2. [2]David Benfell, “Parsing the second amendment,” June 14, 2016, https://parts-unknown.org/drupal7/journal/2016/06/14/parsing-second-amendment
  3. [3]Julian Hattem, “Post Orlando, hawks make a power play,” Hill, June 23, 2016, http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/284557-post-orlando-hawks-make-a-power-play
  4. [4]British Broadcasting Corporation, “Counting under way in UK’s historic referendum on EU membership,” June 23, 2016, http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36612368
  5. [5]Ashley Cowburn, “David Cameron ‘toast within days’ if Britain votes to leave European Union, says Tory MP,” Independent, May 29, 2016, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/david-cameron-toast-within-days-if-britain-votes-to-leave-european-union-says-tory-mp-a7054696.html; Andrew Sparrow, “Tory MPs escalate party turmoil with open call for Cameron to quit,” Guardian, May 29, 2016, https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/may/29/andrew-brigden-conservatives-david-cameron-fractured-eu-debate-election

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