More ‘bad apples’ at Customs and Border Patrol

So I was bored with the weather in California. There generally are not four real seasons in California, just a ‘wet’ season and a dry season, only through most of my adult life, the wet seasons haven’t been very wet. So it’s mostly just been dry, so much so that when in the last few years we got a few seasons that might count as ‘normal,’ people thought they were deluges.

So, today, here in Pittsburgh, I got a ride that took me near the Whole Foods where I had a few things to pick up. It was well-timed.

The sky was so dark by the time I pulled into the parking lot, my automatic headlights had come on. I probably hadn’t been in the store five minutes, certainly not ten, but as I came out the rain was truly torrential and I was surrounded by thunder and lightning. I was drenched by the time I got to my car and the torrent continued as I drove home and walked back to my apartment.

Now, this is rain.


Brian Resnick,[1] get the fuck over yourself and retract. Every piece of this story[2] confirms Philip Zimbardo’s work.[3] Every single piece.

Geneva Sands and Nick Valencia, “2nd Customs and Border Protection-connected secret Facebook group shows mocking images,” CNN, July 5, 2019,

  1. [1]Brian Resnick, “The Stanford Prison Experiment was massively influential. We just learned it was a fraud,” Vox, June 13, 2018,; Brian Resnick, “Philip Zimbardo defends the Stanford Prison Experiment, his most famous work,” Vox, June 28, 2018,
  2. [2]Priscilla Alvarez, “Lawmakers, including Ocasio-Cortez, lash out over conditions following border facility tours,” CNN, July 2, 2019,; Caitlin Dickerson, “‘There Is a Stench’: No Soap and Overcrowding in Detention Centers for Migrant Children,” New York Times, June 21, 2019,; Adam Harris, “An Astonishing Government Report on Conditions at the Border,” Atlantic, July 3, 2019,; Miriam Jordan, “Judge Orders Swift Action to Improve Conditions for Migrant Children in Texas,” New York Times, June 29, 2019,; Alejandro Lazo and Jacob Gershman, “Lawsuit Alleges Government Mistreatment of Migrant Children,” Wall Street Journal, June 27, 2019,; Sam Levin, “‘Happy hunting!’ Immigration agents swapped cheery messages about raids, records reveal,” Guardian, July 3, 2019,; Katie Mettler, Mike DeBonis, and Reis Thebault, “Border agents confiscated lawmakers’ phones. Joaquin Castro captured photo and video anyway,” Washington Post, July 2, 2019,; Geneva Sands and Nick Valencia, “2nd Customs and Border Protection-connected secret Facebook group shows mocking images,” CNN, July 5, 2019,
  3. [3]Philip Zimbardo, The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil (New York: Random House, 2008).

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