More elected officials support converting PG&E into a cooperative

Pacific Gas and Electric

It is unclear whether the [bankruptcy] court would consider the mayors’ cooperative proposal.[1]

And while I am mostly just opposed to allowing Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) to continue in anything like it’s present form, the expert “skepticism [that] the proposal to reinvent the state’s largest utility in such an unprecedented fashion would be considered a more viable solution to its financial and operational problems” seems warranted: It really isn’t enough here to just say anything would be better than capitalist greed; there needs to be a specific plan for how you take over this massive corporation and completely reinvent it. Such a plan remains to be seen with either this plan[2] or the idea of a state takeover.

Maggie Angst and John Woolfolk, “San Jose mayor announces growing support for customer takeover of PG&E,” San Jose Mercury-News, December 5, 2019,

Joe Biden

(Click through to see the ad.)

Okay, so Joe Biden backers are absolutely thrilled—thrilled—that Biden made an ad stating the blindingly obvious.

This is what political discourse in this country has come to.

  1. [1]Maggie Angst and John Woolfolk, “San Jose mayor announces growing support for customer takeover of PG&E,” San Jose Mercury-News, December 5, 2019,
  2. [2]Maggie Angst and John Woolfolk, “San Jose mayor announces growing support for customer takeover of PG&E,” San Jose Mercury-News, December 5, 2019,