Trumpster stupidity officially confirmed


The local sheriff’s department has now officially confirmed that the boats were sunk or swamped on Lake Travis by fellow Trumpsters’ wakes.[1] Which is to say, they were indeed driving their boats like the idiots I see driving pickup trucks in Pittsburgh.

Paul P. Murphy, “The wake of other boats in a pro-Trump parade in Texas caused 5 boats to sink, sheriff’s office says,” CNN, September 7, 2020,

  1. [1]Paul P. Murphy, “The wake of other boats in a pro-Trump parade in Texas caused 5 boats to sink, sheriff’s office says,” CNN, September 7, 2020,

It’s Labor Day. Which is to say, if you have a fucking job, elites think you should be fucking grateful.

Faux News

There is a new blog post entitled “Doubting the ‘Fox News bubble.’

Labor Day

As news goes, it’s pretty fucking slow, at least in terms of something actually worth paying attention to. But in case you missed them:


I’m pretty unhappy with WordPress right now. When I first signed up to host my blogs on it, it worked well. Now, it’s horrible. It’s slow—my god, it is slow—and it loses posts. The workflow has become atrocious. This has mostly been gradual, but recently they rammed a new interface down my throat, which might address issues I’d had pasting HTML, but has made everything else worse.

What I’m paying for is what it was when I first signed up for it. What I’m now getting is something else, something awful, entirely.