Unsurprisingly, unidentified phenomena remain unidentified, but maybe there’ll be a little less gaslighting on UFOs


Charlie Wolfson, “An effort to merge Wilkinsburg with Pittsburgh is brewing,” Public Source, June 25, 2021, https://www.publicsource.org/wilkinsburg-annexation-pittsburgh-garrett-kail-smith-property-tax/

Unidentified aerial phenomena

Probably the most significant point about the intelligence report sent to Congress today is that we can no longer be gaslit[1] about unidentified aerial phenomena all being “weather balloons” or advanced test aircraft or some other mundane thing. Otherwise, we still don’t know much.

And probably what’s covered by the report is a fraction of what’s been seen. People haven’t wanted to jeopardize their careers by reporting this stuff.[2] Maybe that can be alleviated now.

Because more information would be a good thing.

Bryan Bender and Andrew Desiderio, “Government report can’t explain UFOs, but offers no evidence of aliens,” Politico, June 25, 2021, https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/25/government-report-ufos-are-real-496319


Given that Democrats had been talking about a two-track process, one track bipartisan and the other through reconciliation, for infrastructure for a while, Republican claims of a “betrayal” seem disingenuous. They had to have known what they were getting into. But they’ve come up with an excuse for getting out of it.[3]

Jonathan Chait, “The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal Is Probably Doomed, Alas,” New York, June 25, 2021, https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/06/is-the-bipartisan-infrastructure-deal-going-to-pass-biden-republicans-democrats.html

  1. [1]Bryan Bender and Andrew Desiderio, “Government report can’t explain UFOs, but offers no evidence of aliens,” Politico, June 25, 2021, https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/25/government-report-ufos-are-real-496319
  2. [2]Bryan Bender and Andrew Desiderio, “Government report can’t explain UFOs, but offers no evidence of aliens,” Politico, June 25, 2021, https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/25/government-report-ufos-are-real-496319
  3. [3]Jonathan Chait, “The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal Is Probably Doomed, Alas,” New York, June 25, 2021, https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/06/is-the-bipartisan-infrastructure-deal-going-to-pass-biden-republicans-democrats.html

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