The divisions over ‘Brexit’: Daily Bullshit, June 25, 2016 (updated)


As near as I can determine, Scotland will have to declare independence from the United Kingdom in order to remain in the European Union.[1] It was unclear how Scottish independence would affect its relationship with the E.U. even in the first referendum,[2] although with the United Kingdom leaving, one might think the rest of the E.U. might be much more receptive to some sort of accommodation.

John Harris, “‘If you’ve got money, you vote in … if you haven’t got money, you vote out,'” Guardian, June 24, 2016,

Added at 21:12:54
Toby Helm and Daniel Boffey, “UK faces Brexit crisis after Europe’s leaders demand: ‘Get out now,’” Guardian, June 25, 2016,

Jonathan Stearns, “Europe’s Frustration With Cameron Mounts at Ministerial Meeting,” Bloomberg, June 24, 2016,

Lawrence Wakefield, “Nicola Sturgeon takes steps to keep Scotland in EU,” Politico, June 25, 2016,

Added at 22:38:40

California independence

This is a secession movement I hadn’t heard of before. California would consist of several states, joined in a looser confederation than exists under the present federal system governed in Washington, D.C.[3]

Seung Lee, “Calexit? Brexit Buoys California Independence Movement,” Newsweek, June 25, 2016,

  1. [1]Lawrence Wakefield, “Nicola Sturgeon takes steps to keep Scotland in EU,” Politico, June 25, 2016,
  2. [2]Severin Carrell, “Independent Scotland ‘would have to start afresh as EU member state,'” Guardian, May 6, 2016,
  3. [3]Seung Lee, “Calexit? Brexit Buoys California Independence Movement,” Newsweek, June 25, 2016,