A lovely day for a purge: Daily Bullshit, July 18, 2016

Failed Turkish coup

I think it may have been Juan Cole who, observing the toll—a Deutschewelle article puts the number at over 8,000[1]—that Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s purge is taking, sarcastically credited Ergogan for “quick detective work.” It’s a sham of course, as the Reuters report makes clear.[2]

Meanwhile, a Deutschewelle analysis suggests the coup was better organized and came closer to success than earlier reports suggested.[3]

Robert Fisk, “Turkey’s coup may have failed – but history shows it won’t be long before another one succeeds,” Independent, July 16, 2016, http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/turkey-coup-erdogan-ankara-istanbul-military-army-turkey-s-coup-may-have-failed-but-history-shows-a7140521.html

Juan Cole, “Long Knives in Ankara: Victorious Erdogan begins Purge of Judiciary, Army,” Informed Comment, July 17, 2016, http://www.juancole.com/2016/07/victorious-erdogan-judiciary.html

Robert-Jan Bartunek, “Turkey government seemed to have list of arrests prepared: EU’s Hahn,” Reuters, July 18, 2016, http://www.reuters.com/article/us-turkey-security-eu-hahn-idUSKCN0ZY0EA

Donald Trump

A petition to force a roll call vote on rules binding delegates to election results[4] got steamrolled.[5] It looks to me like functionalist conservatives have resigned themselves to Donald Trump.

Stephen Collinson, Tal Kopan, and Tom LoBianco, “Convention drama: Trump campaign stops rules rebellion,” CNN, July 18, 2016, http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/18/politics/rnc-procedural-votes-rules-committee/index.html

Nick Gass, “Ryan: Trump’s ‘not my kind of conservative,'” Politico, July 18, 2016, http://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/paul-ryan-trump-conservative-225719

Ben Kamisar, “Anti-Trump delegates say they will force roll call vote on rules,” Hill, July 18, 2016, http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/288186-anti-trump-delegates-say-they-will-force-roll-call-vote

  1. [1]Tom Stevenson, “Why the coup in Turkey failed,” Deutschewelle, July 18, 2016, http://www.dw.com/en/why-the-coup-in-turkey-failed/a-19407556
  2. [2]Robert-Jan Bartunek, “Turkey government seemed to have list of arrests prepared: EU’s Hahn,” Reuters, July 18, 2016, http://www.reuters.com/article/us-turkey-security-eu-hahn-idUSKCN0ZY0EA; Juan Cole, “Long Knives in Ankara: Victorious Erdogan begins Purge of Judiciary, Army,” Informed Comment, July 17, 2016, http://www.juancole.com/2016/07/victorious-erdogan-judiciary.html
  3. [3]Tom Stevenson, “Why the coup in Turkey failed,” Deutschewelle, July 18, 2016, http://www.dw.com/en/why-the-coup-in-turkey-failed/a-19407556
  4. [4]Ben Kamisar, “Anti-Trump delegates say they will force roll call vote on rules,” Hill, July 18, 2016, http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/288186-anti-trump-delegates-say-they-will-force-roll-call-vote
  5. [5]Stephen Collinson, Tal Kopan, and Tom LoBianco, “Convention drama: Trump campaign stops rules rebellion,” CNN, July 18, 2016, http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/18/politics/rnc-procedural-votes-rules-committee/index.html

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