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Human Science


Artificial intelligence idiocy

Fig. 1. Meme of unknown origin (possibly In Otter News) and date, fair use.

Fig. 2. Image credited to David Blaikie from Hampshire, UK, via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0.

I address statistical artificial idiocy in a post on my blog, Not Housebroken. Generative artificial idiocy apparently still depends on statistics[1] and it is indeed hard to imagine how a computer could deal with massive amounts of data in “machine learning” in the way that Nabil Alouani describes without resorting to statistical methods.[2] But the picture gets worse when you look at what these models actually do:

[Generative artificial idiocy models are] really just sort of designed to predict the next word. And so there will be some rate at which the model does that inaccurately.[3]

This isn’t fixable. It’s inherent in the mismatch between the technology and the proposed use cases.[4]

When used to generate text, language models “are designed to make things up. That’s all they do,” [Emily] Bender said. They are good at mimicking forms of writing, such as legal contracts, television scripts or sonnets.

“But since they only ever make things up, when the text they have extruded happens to be interpretable as something we deem correct, that is by chance,” Bender said. “Even if they can be tuned to be right more of the time, they will still have failure modes — and likely the failures will be in the cases where it’s harder for a person reading the text to notice, because they are more obscure.”[5]

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Jeremy Kahn, “Google’s ouster of a top A.I. researcher may have come down to this,” Fortune, December 9, 2020,

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Tori Orr, “So you want to be a prompt engineer: Critical careers of the future,” VentureBeat, September 17, 2022,

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Drew Harwell, “Tech’s hottest new job: AI whisperer. No coding required,” Washington Post, February 25, 2023,

Nabil Alouani, “ChatGPT Hype Is Proof Nobody Really Understands AI,” Medium, March 5, 2023,

James Vincent, “Google and Microsoft’s chatbots are already citing one another in a misinformation shitshow,” Verge, March 22, 2023,

Alyssa Lukpat, “AI Poses ‘Risk of Extinction’ on Par With Pandemics and Nuclear War, Tech Executives Warn,” Wall Street Journal, May 30, 2023,

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Deepa Seetharaman and Keach Hagey, “Outcry Against AI Companies Grows Over Who Controls Internet’s Content,” Wall Street Journal, July 30, 2023, Outcry Against AI Companies Grows Over Who Controls Internet’s Content

Matt O’Brien, “Chatbots sometimes make things up. Is AI’s hallucination problem fixable?” Associated Press, August 1, 2023,

Yuan Yang and Anna Gross, “Chinese AI scientists call for stronger regulation ahead of landmark summit,” Financial Times, November 1, 2023,

Archie Bland, “Thursday briefing: What the meltdown at OpenAI means for the future of artificial intelligence,” Guardian, November 23, 2023,

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  1. [1]Jeremy Kahn, “Google’s ouster of a top A.I. researcher may have come down to this,” Fortune, December 9, 2020,
  2. [2]Nabil Alouani, “ChatGPT Hype Is Proof Nobody Really Understands AI,” Medium, March 5, 2023,
  3. [3]Daniela Amodei, quoted in Matt O’Brien, “Chatbots sometimes make things up. Is AI’s hallucination problem fixable?” Associated Press, August 1, 2023,
  4. [4]Emily Bender, quoted in Matt O’Brien, “Chatbots sometimes make things up. Is AI’s hallucination problem fixable?” Associated Press, August 1, 2023,
  5. [5]Matt O’Brien, “Chatbots sometimes make things up. Is AI’s hallucination problem fixable?” Associated Press, August 1, 2023,